Storey’s Ltd
Opening Hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Call: 020 7836 3777
Timothy Kingswood, owner of Storey's has been in Cecil Court since 1984. The business specializes in original maps and prints from the 17th century to 1960.
There is a strong emphasis on the cartography of London but the map stock is extensive, covering all parts of the world including cosmology.
The print collection is diverse with original engravings covering natural history, sporting subjects, topography, maritime and military history.
Artists include satirical works by James Gillray, tales of morality by William Hogarth, pioneers of modernism, Marc Chagall and Henri Matisse. Influential artists include Pablo Picasso and Francis Bacon.
We also offer a comprehensive in-house framing service, where the customer's order never leaves the premises.